Training is in our company DNA!
It is important to offer the possibility to your team and even the founder to go and explore, to learn and grown. Investing in human ressources is a MUST!
Indeed by changing one’s environement, it helps open one’s mind and help seeing things differently, it can even help find solutions to problems we have been stuck on because we are not so much caught up in them. We get the distance we needed!
This year we have decided to attend the Nomad Cruise, which took place from the 18th of November till 30th of November 2019!
Every year, we decide to join a community or a conference to learn! Investing in yourself and your growth is key to go beyond your own limitation and pushing yourself everytime our of your comfort zone.
In 2018 we participated to Hive Leadership Retreat organised by Hive and in 2019 our choice was Nomad Cruise .
Whenever we go on such a conference or retreat, we set objectives. For this time, we had 3 clear goals:
- Test our idea of an online platform for coaching Coach Tribe
- Grow our network of entrepreneurs and freelancer whom could become partners
- Network & LEARN!
And didn’t we not just meet our goals but exceeded them.
I love the word Learn because you never know what it entitles and yes we learnt both on a professional and personal level.
On a professional level, not only did we find a supportive community but they challenged us and the business to be better prepared and for that we are really thankful!
The conferences, meetups and keynotes helped in getting the tools to get to that next level wherever you were now. We even participated in their own version of Shark Tank, called Piranha Tank where we had the chance to pitch our second business Coach Tribe ( It was a great exercise to test the interest and be able to answer to some questions to even test how ready and prepared we were!
Forever thankful for this experience and these communities that we part of !🤩🤩