2017 Round Table
Access to innovation & medical research

The involvement of the different sectors interested in health research: health, social security, higher education, clinical experts
Designation of a strategy and research priorities (who has access to innovation, rationalization issue)
The creation of a culture and training / teaching on clinical studies, especially for observational studies in particular
Train for the acquisition of scientific, technological, procedural skills between CROs / Multinationals / Ministry of Health; Coordinators / investigators / pharmacists
- Director Geenral of Pharmacy, Pr. Fraihat
- Director General of Social Security, Djaouad Bourkaib & Dr. Mohamed Lamine Ghanem
- President of the Algerian Association for Biotechnology & Clinical Research, Salah Sahraoui
- Advisors from the MOH: Said Mekkaoui, Badra Benkedadra
- Senior management of companies & healthcare sector representative : Novo Nordisk, AstraZeneca, Clinica Group, Merck, ANPP, Deloitte, Sevier
Attending Experts
Hamdi Akan
The Department of Hematology, Ankara University School of Medicine, Ankara, Turkey
General manager, CIDP Brazil
Dr. Emad Shafout,
CTL, INC Research® Jordanie
Stefano Marini
President, EUCROF, the European CRO Federation.
Dr. Lamine Mahi