2019 Round Table
e-Health : Shared Medical Record

Define the legal environment of the medical file and e-health especially in view of the obligation in the law of a shared medical record for every citizen
Define goals for implementation shared medical record
Define or elaborate a written national strategy for the implementation of the DMP by identifying the various stakeholders, the cost, the implementation deadlines, the deadlines, the content, the indicators, the metadata dictionary
- Direction of Information Technology and Information System, Ministry of Health of Algeria, M. Bouali
- Executives from the MOH Affiliated Institutions, INSP (National Instiute of Public Health)
- Ministry of Industry, M. Kechroud
- The National Council of the Order of Doctors
- The National Council of the Order of Pharmacist
- The National Union of Community Pharmacists
- Practioners
- Senior managers of companies & representatives of the health sector
Attending Experts
Mr. Ali Bouali
Information Technology and Information System Directorate, Ministry of Health Algeria
Dr. Thomas Kostera
Senior Expert Bertelsmann Stiftung, Gütersloh (Germany)
Dr. Ahmed Mohammed Belkhair
Vice Minister of eHealth and General Manager of the Information Center, Saudi Arabia