2020 Africa Webinar
Economic relaunch during Covid-19
All economies, whether developed or developing countries, have been affected by Covid-19
Governments have the dilemma of safeguarding health of their citizens and equally salvaging the economy arising from the pharmaceutical
There should also be greater coordinated public-private sector partnership recovery policy agenda with all stakeholders in health and business anchored on scientific evidence regarding balancing health and the economy that aligns to an informed systems approach and cost-sharing strategies in re-opening or economic relaunch, without possible resurgence of the virus.
Government had to put it please some measure to mitigate the impact of the crisis and support its economy and companies who have seen a slow-down in their activities as well as the workers
The Covid 19 health crisis has highlighted the issue of pharmaceutical independence and sovereignty
Countries Attending
- Bachir Kechroud, Directior business intelligence divison, Ministry of Industry Algeria,
- Faustin Mwanbari, director of labour & employment, Ministry of Public Service and Labour of Rwanda

Attending Experts
Pr. Ukertor Gabriel Moti
Dr. Adam M. SELAMNIA (Ph.D. / MBA)
Alassane BA
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