About us
Who are we?
Get to know us and find out what motivates us
Our team and partners

Chiraz Bensemmane
Founder and CEO of Pitch World Fast Round Tables Organizer

Yanis Annad
Organizing partner

Sherihane Bensemmane
Internal Scientific Advisor
Pitch World Fast

Rabah Amran

Communication, Graphic Design and Printing Company
Our values
Our customers are our priorities. We work with this in mind and in line with our values: Transparency, Dynamism, Persistence, Creativity.
Our solutions
We propose to manage the project, ie Round Tables, from A to Z and adapted to the needs of the regulators and actors of the sector.
Our objective
Our objective To brainstorm, to benchmark best practices around the world and make recommendations on different themes in order to support the improvement of the health sector.
How we work

Defining the themes with authorities
We get in contact with and work with the authorities and regulators to understand their priorities and determine the topics to be addressed during the roundtables.
Coordinating with selected experts
Research, contact and coordination with the experts are carried out by us. We have a database of experts with whom we have worked and enrich this list in view of the themes and round tables.

Coordinating with selected experts
Research, contact and coordination with the experts are carried out by us. We have a database of experts with whom we have worked and enrich this list in view of the themes and round tables.
Organizing the round table
The round tables are organized from A to Z by us: program, expert communication, financing through sponsoring (if necessary), invitation, logistics for experts and for D-day.

Drafting of the conslusions and recommendations for the authorities
Following the debate of the various round tables, conclusions are sent to the participants for enrichment, then the final version to authorities.