2021 Africa Webinar
Access to Innovation
Innovation should be seen as a 360 solution to integrated health systems as it can play a role in all the different aspects from the prevention, management, healthcare services, access to treatments, etc...
- There is a need to have in Africa a clear definition to know what we're looking at & what we're talking about when it comes to innovation
- We often think of in terms of technical innovation and new products, but innovation should be considered also in terms of process innovation, organization innovation, and marketing innovation
To enable good access to innovation, African countries must put in place a holistic approach. When looking at healthcare, this sector has to be seen as well as a priority to make sure that the right budget and the right infrastructure exist
- Ensuring access to innovation in healthcare is an opportunity for the governments to provide even greater access to healthcare to their population and answer to their needs
- Governments need to balance both access to innovative treatment for their population catering to their health need and basic minimum packages to universal healthcare coverage.
- Innovation tend to be more expensive, see how the countries can have access and provide access to innovation to their population for balancing their budgets
- Countries have to consider as well the valorization of endogenous resources, therapies that can be issued from the pharmacopeia of African countries
- The pandemic with the issue of vaccines, which can be considered as an innovation, is a clear example and for which there are provisions to facilitate their use in the response strategy to Covid -19
- Pr Myriam Khrouf, Responsible for the Directorate of Pharmacy and Medicines, Ministry of Health, Tunisia
- Pr Noomene ElKadri, Director of Medical Research, Ministry of Health, Tunisia
- Medessou Yowel Habib GANFON, Ministry of Health Benin
- Dr. John Oladejo, Director, Health Emergency Preparedness & Response, Nigeria Centre for Disease Control
- Dr. RANDRIATSARAFARA Fidiniaina, Director General of Preventive Health, Ministry of Health, Madagascar
- Isabelle Koui, Director, Ministry of Health, Côte d’Ivoire
- Godfrey Kadewere, Director, Ministry of Health of Malawi

Attending Experts
Catherine M. Jones PhD
Dr. Sheila Tamara Shawa
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