2021 Africa Webinar
Creating a research and clinical research environment in Africa
African countries need to understand that research must be a put and seen as a priority and clearly valued in institutions as well as through funding.
Research can inform policies and practice providing the needed data and information to protect, to detect and then to diagnose any disease of public health importance thus helping in
▪ developing health security
▪ strengthening health system to be able to move forward in terms of
▪ diagnosis of disease
▪ improving the pandemics preparedness
Research should be responsive to the needs of the country. Countries should establish a research agenda that provides the scope in terms of research, a blueprint for all research institutes including academia - they have to refer this document to make sure that the research being done is responsive to the needs
▪ There should be strong linkages with Ministry of Health to translate any research findings that we've found to practice and policy
- Dionis NIZIGIYIMANA, Director of Research, National Institute of Public Health, BurundiDr. Hassan Moussa Hassan, Ministry of Health, Djibouti
- Dr. John Oladejo, Director, Health Emergency Preparedness & Response, Nigeria Centre for Disease Control
- Pr RAKOTOARISON Nicole, Director of the Medical Emergency Support Center of Madagascar, Ministry of Health, Madagascar
- Pr Noomene ElKadri, Director of Medical Research, Ministry of Health, Tunisia
- Pr Myriam Khrouf, Responsible for the Directorate of Pharmacy and Medicines, Ministry of Health, Tunisia
- Dr. Collins Mitambo, Director of Research, Ministry of Health of Namibia
- Suzan El Zanaty, General Director of Foreign Health Relations Department, Ministry of Health, Egypt

Attending Experts
Dr. Margaret Agama Anyetei
Dr. Yukari Manabe
Jean Marie Vianney Habarugira
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