2024 Africa Webinar

Energy transition and industrialization in Africa

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China represents an important economic trading partner for African countries. It is well involved in the development of many African countries as well as in infrastructure projects (hospital, schools, roads…) which supported the growth of African economies. However for many the trade balance is very unequal as China doesn’t really invest in the countries while importing the raw material from them and African countries heavily import from China finished products

African government, authorities and stakeholders need to understand that no matter the partner they have, no external actor (Europe, USA, China etc) is investing and/or coming to Africa in pursuit of African interests. Africans occasionally have the misconception that the individuals they deal with would be fair and behave in their best interests.

While there are friction between the USA & China, this political situation shouldn’t be of matter to Africa. As a sovereign continent with sovereign countries, Africa should not be forced to choose a partner.


Attending Experts

Dr. Allieu Badara Kabia

Senior lecturer and the Substantive Dean, Faculty of Social and Management Sciences at the Ernest Bai Koroma University of Science and Technology (EBKUST)

Guyde Moore

Senior Policy Fellow, the Center for Global Development


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