Guidelines Seminar
27th February

Details :
- Organization by videoconference (Zoom)
Participants: members of the Algerian Medicines and Pharmaceuticals Agency, Ministry of Pharmaceutical Products, Center of Pharmacovigilance
Recording of the session
Drafting of guidelines: audit of current guidelines, development, codification
Systemic impact of innovation and technologies on guidelines
Budget constraints to be taken into consideration
- Philippe Megerlin, Health Laws & Systemics
- Jean-Huges Trouvin,Professor at the Faculty of Pharmacy, Paris-Descartes University
Philippe Megerlin
Health Laws & Systemics
Pr. Jean Hughes Trouvin
Professor at the Faculty of Pharmacy, Paris-Descartes University

Following this session , 3 subsequent sessions were organised with Pr. Trouvin to implement in practice what was discussed and lead to the concept papers of the Algerian guidelines on Biosimilars & guidelines for HBPM drugs.
This training was possible thanks to the support of ANPP team and our speakees and not forgetting our sponsor (without conditions) Abbvie