2024 Africa Webinar
Movement of Goods and People in Africa in the Context of the AfCFTA
Asia, like Africa, is a very diverse continent with diverse economies thus the development models of each of the countries are as well diverse but there are communalities. Africa needs to look at its economies and according to their competitive advantage, their resources (human, financial, natural), their priorities, develop the right economic model for its growth
The outcome of any policy should be the focus of any authority however lacks in most African countries
African nations must increase their production capacities as they have the lowest levels of economic productivity. Vietnam's industrial ratio changed as a result of investments in industrialization, modernization, infrastructure, energy and electricity availability, as well as education and training
- Mohammed Yahyaoui, Deputy Director, Ministry of Industry, Algeria
- Jammeh Fabba, Director of Industry and Investment, Ministry of Trade, The Gambia
- Rebecca Mme COULIBALY née ANOUMAN, Deputy Director of Studies, General Directorate of the Economy, Ministry of the Economy and Finance, Côte d'Ivoire
- Désiré Éphrem N'DRI, Head of Department, Ministry of Economy and Finance, Côte d'Ivoire
- Françoise d'Avila Agnissan, Research Officer, Ministry of Economy and Finance, Côte d'Ivoire
- DESIRE EPHREM N'DRI, Head of Department, Ministry of Economy and Finance, Côte d'Ivoire
- Thierry Badou, Director of Investment Attraction, CEPICI, Côte d'Ivoire
- Jammeh Fabba, Director of Industry and Investment, Ministry of Trade, The Gambia
- Andrianaivo Régis RAKOTOMANANA, Coordinator, Ministry of Economy and Finances, Madagascar
- Diana Tjiposa, Deputy Director: Trade Policy, Ministry of Trade, Namibia
- Lavinia Mbongo, Head of Laboratory, Namibia Medicines Regulatory Council, Namibia
- Cédric Musongela, member of the Cabinet, Ministry of Economy, Democratic Republic of Congo

Attending Experts
Mussie Delelegn Arega

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