2024 Africa Webinar

Pharmacoeconoomy & healthcare systems in Africa

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Covid 19 has pushed countries to think differently and for the African countries has shown a strong political leadership with a continental approach through notably the joint continental strategy which aims at preventing transmission, preventing death and social gaps as well as the Africa task force for Coronavirus which developed the continent wide guidelines for the fight against covid-19.

One of the major challenge healthcare systems will have to face, a new reality is climate change. It is important that African countries and worldwide understand the consequences of climate change (heat, droughts, increased fires, increased microbes, declining water supplies, reduced agricultural yields, health impacts in cities, flooding with erosion, displaced populations, etc… ) and prepare for it as well as put in place a strategic plan for adapting the health sector to climate change

To make sure that Africa countries are not taken by surprise and be ready to face any future shocks and have pandemic proofing healthcare systems , it not only has to emphasize on surveillance and local production but need to change its approach & train of thoughts. Africa should work towards establishing a self-sustainable and stable Africa, guided by systems thinking


Attending Experts

Dr. Benjamin Djoudalbaye

Head of Policy, Health Diplomacy & Communication, Africa Centres for Disease Control and Prevention, Africa CDC

Dr. Janet Michel

Lead Programme Evaluator - Global Health Mentorships

Pr. Havey Rubin

Professor of Medicine and Computer science, University of Pennsylvania


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