2021 Africa Webinar
Pharmacovigilance & traceability of Health producs
One of the government's priorities is to provide access to adequate, safe, and effective healthcare services, devices, and drugs
With the African Medicine Agency, African countries have the opportunity to work closer together and coordinate their activities to improve access to safe and effective affordable essential medicines work. While the agency aim at harmonizing the healthcare ecosystem, it is the responsibility of African authorities to share their need and thoughts per their expectations and the role the AMA could play in regards to pharmacovigilance & traceability
- Pr Riadh Daghfous, Director General, National Center of Pharmacovigilance, Tunisia
- Pr Chiheb Ben Rayana, Director Geenral, Laboratoire Nationale de contrôle des Médicaments, Tunisia
- Dr. Haby BA, Ministry of Health Senegal
- Hoby Sitraka RAVELOMAMPIANINA, Director, Madagascar Drug Agency
- John Oladejo, Director, Health Emergency Preparedness & Response, Nigeria Centre for Disease Control
- Dr. Hassan Moussan Hassan, Director Pharmacy, Ministry of Health Djibouti
- Dr NOGHA Stéphanie, pharmacy, drugs & laboratory direction, Ministry of Health of Cameroon
- Dr. Hassan Ben Bachir, Head of the Cooperation Division, Ministry of Health of Cameroon

Attending Experts
Alastair West
Independent consultant currently working with the European Commission and the IFPMA
Lawyer, IPvocate, Africa
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