COVID-19 has transformed the current environment in regard to both healthcare and economic aspects. Through this unprecedented pandemic, economic systems were faced with a new realities and repercussions of the international economic situation (globalization, interconnection, interdependence, economic & social impacts).
Countries must improve their management of economic levers, distribution and management of the value chain and logistics, as well as work on economic agility and better distribution of wealth.
In this context, Africa must learn from the mistakes and successes made at the global level and respond in a united manner to this crisis in order to best protect its population and not see poverty & disparities increase on the continent. It must position itself as a continental and regional force ready to face its reality and make a thoughtful choice to ensure the best coordination during this crisis.
Beyond the need to respond effectively and quickly to the current crisis, this is an opportunity to be able to reflect on economic systems adapted to new realities that would benefit the population of the continent in a lasting and sustainable way, improving also their quality of life.
To rewatch our past June session, head to our Youtube page here
African Union
- Africa core industries & opportunities for growth
- Pharmaceutical & health independence
- Food independence
- Energy mix & diversification
- Addressing economic disparities
Dr. Amine Bensemmane, President of GRFI Filaha Innove (Algeria). GRFI objectives in view of the AfCFTA opportunities and for the strengthening of trade with African countries
Idir Bais, Agro Economist, FAO, UNIDO and AfDB Consultant, Member of the Filaha Innove Reflection Group
-Role and Opportunity of agriculture and agribusiness within the ZLECAF
- Value chains and transformation of agricultural products and agro-industry in Africa
Jacques Berthelot, agricultural economist
- Modernization and digitalization of processes and systems serving African agriculture
Francesco Napolitano, Economist – Africa, Europe & Middle-East, OECD Development Centre
Jean-Paul ADAM Director, Technology, Climate Change and Natural Resource Management Division, UNECA
Andrew Rugege, Regional Director for Africa,ITU
Thang Nguyen-Quoc, Economist, Africa unit, OECD Development Centre
John Omo, Secretary General, African telecommunication Union
Bakary Traoré, Economist, Africa Unit, OECD Research Center
Mohamed Ba, Digital Innovation Head , ITU
Titi Akinsanmi, digital economy expert
Kamel OUMNIA, Co-founder IncubeMe
Pomy Ketema, Counselor, Baker McKenzie LLP
Gyude Moore, Senior Policy Fellow, CGDEV
Oliver Harmann, Cities Economist, Cities that Work
IHEDIOHA Onyema Damian, PhD, Manager, Agribusiness Development Division (AHAI.1), Agriculture and Agro Industry Department, African Development Bank
Omri Van Zyl, CEO, Agri SA Entreprises
Jean Paul Adam, Director, Technology, Climate Change and Natural Resource Management Division, UNECA
Elisa Saint Martin, Policy Analyst for the Africa, Europe and Middle East Unit , OECD Research Center
Dr. Moustapha Mekideche, Former Chairman of the African Country Review Mechanism (APRM) Panel, international expert in the field of energy
Biniam Bedasso, Senior Research Associate, Education, Center for Global Development
Sampson Kofi Adotey, Manager, Alumni Engagement and Research Reporting - Global Network
Adrian Gauci, Economics Affairs Officer with the Gender, Poverty and Social Policy, UNECA
Victor Ongoma, Ph.D, International Water Research Institute, Mohammed VI Polytechnic University, Morocco
Caroline Kende Robb, Senior Adviser, African Center for Economic Transformation
Jean Claude Tchatchouang, Senior Advisor, World Bank
Chrisian Kigombe, Managing Partner and Lead in Connector & Enabler, 4IP Group
Arthur Minsat OECD Research Center
John Stuart, tralac associate and expert on value chains
- Poorva Karkare, Expert on industrialisation & regional integration, ECDPM
- Chema Triki, Industrialisation Lead, Tony Blair Institute
- Ron Osman Omar, Senior Policy Officer, Industry, Innovation and Mining Division, Economic Development, Trade, Industry and Mining Department African Union Commission
- Anna Lehmann, Global Climate Policy Director · Wildlife Works Carbon
- Jean Paul Adam, Director, Technology, Climate Change and Natural Resource Management Division, UNECA
- Mussie Delelegn Arega (PhD), Senior Economic Affairs Officer and Chief of Landlocked Developing Countries’ (LLDCs) Section, Division for Africa, LDCs and Special Programmes, UNCTAD
Dr. Allieu Badara Kabia, Senior lecturer and the Substantive Dean, Faculty of Social and Management Sciences at the Ernest Bai Koroma University of Science and Technology (EBKUST)
- Guyde Moore, Senior Policy Fellow, the Center for Global Development (CGD)
- Bongani Mankewu,Professional Associate, Infrastructure Development and Engagement Unit, Nelson Mandela University
- Bakary Traoré, Africa Deputy Unity Chief, OECD Development Center
Dr. Patrick Ndzana Olomo (PhD), African Union Commission
Arthur Minsat, Head Africa Unit, OECD Development Center
Pr. Raphael Kaplinsky, Honorary Professor, University of Sussex and Leading Economist and Development Scholar
Dr Marek Dabrowski, Non-Resident Scholar, Bruegel, Brussels
Said Djellab, Former Minister of Trade and negotiator for the AfCFTA, Algeria
Chiraz Bensemmane, CEO, Pitch World Fast
Dr. Roberto Echandi, Global Trade Specialist,Trade Unit of the Macroeconomics, Trade and Investment Global Practice of the World Bank Group (WBG)
Anthony Morrisson, CEO Chamber of Agribusiness, Ghana
Sebastian Lakner - Europe
Dr. Guy Pe'er – Asia
Keiko Alvarez, Policy Analyst, Africa Desk, OECD Development Center
Anthony Mongameli Mehlwana, Economic Affairs Officer, PSDD Energy Infrastrcuture & Services Section, UNECA
Marie-Noelle Nwokolo, Senior Researcher & Analyst, Brenthurst Foundation
Chiraz Bensemmane, CEO, Pitch World Fast
Himanshi Jain, Senior Social Protection Specialist, World Bank
Annamarie K. Kiaga, Specialist on Informal Economy, Country Office for Zimbabwe and Namibia, ILO
Tony Blair Institute
AU Commission
Chiraz Bensemmane, CEO Pitch World Fast
Thibault Mourgues, Managing Partner, Camden Advisory & PPP and energy consultant
Chawki Jaballi, Head of Division Customs Capacity Building and Training, AfCFTA Secretariat
Alastair Tempset, CEO, Ecommerce Forum Africa (EFA)
Keiko Alvarez, Policy Analyst, OECD Development Center
Prof. Tajudeen Adewumi Adebisi, Head,Department of Adult Education and Lifelong Learning, Obafemi Awolowo University (OAU)
Phone: +33 3 88 23 70 92
Address: Tour Sebastopol, 3 Quai Kleber, 67000 Strasbourg France