Pitch World Fast featured on Ideamench

ideamensch is an interview platform for entrepreneurs, makers, and doers. The purpose is to help entrepreneurs bring their ideas to life by sharing their stories via small batch interviews.

Pitch World Fast has the chance to be features and here are some of the question asked :

Where did the idea for Pitch World Fast come from?
I had the opportunity of travelling a lot for work with my ex employers and therefore learnt how to network, connect and sell in different countries and navigate different cultures. When I decided to quit the company, I couldn’t see myself working for a specific company but I did want to share my experience and expertise, enable general managers, entrepreneurs to fast forward and get to the next level and this is how Pitch World Fast started.

What is one habit of yours that makes you more productive as an entrepreneur?
“Cleaning up my mess”. What I mean by that is lying down everything I’m doing on a piece of paper so that I restructure myself and restructure what need to be done. By doing this I have a clear visibility of what need to be accomplished. I do have to say, sometimes cleaning up my desk does help as well!

Read the full article from our founder Chiraz Bensemmane here :


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