2019 Round Table
Pharmacoeconomy & risk sharing contracts

How to honour the country promise to its citizens, ie access to universal free healthcare to all algerian citizens, considering the current resource.
Importance to define an organisation for healthcare & having clear objectives for the implementations of the contracts :
- The contrats can be signed with the industry Or organisation/consortium/group of companies.
Identify and explain the notion of performance and risk:
- What type of performance are we measuring?
- What are the evaluation criteria & parameters?
- Which efficiency biomark are implemented?
- Which KPIs are clinically relevant?
- The expected benefits
- Ministry of Labour, Employment & Social Security
- Managers of MOH Affiliated Institutions, Toxicology Center, Prof. Fatma Zoha Hadjadj Aoul
- The National Council of the Order of Pharmacists
- The National Union of Community Pharmacists
- Practitioners
- Senior managers of companies & representatives of the health sector
Attending Experts
Phillippe Megerlin
University of Strasbourg
Dr. Filipo Drago
University of Catania