2015 Round Table
Pharmacoeconomy & opportunities for the pharmaceutical sector

Treatments, accommodate existing local actors in a growing market and push. Need for the country to find a way to ensure regular access to innovative.
Government priorities, which currently include massive expansion of Algeria's domestic production capacity
- Director General of Pharmacy, MOH, Dr. Hamou Hafed
- Director General of Health, MOH, Pr. Mohamel l’Hadj
- General Manager of PCH, M’hamed Ayad
- Director General of Social Security, Djaouad Bourkaib & Dr. Mohamed Lamine Ghanem
- Ministry of Industry
- Senior management of companies & healthcare sector representative : Novo Nordisk, AstraZeneca, Clinica Group, Merck, ANPP, Deloitte, Sevier
- Chambers of Commerce: CCIAF, USABC
Attending Experts

Attending Experts
Mondher Toumi
Professor of health economics at the medical school of the University of Aix-Marseille, responsible for the pharmaco-economy departement
Richard Torbett
Chief Economist, EFPIA (The EuropeanFederation Of Pharmaceutical Industries and Associations)