2016 Round Table
Innovation & eHealth : transformation of the healthcare system within a digitalised era

The development of a health policy and national strategy for biotechnology. Algeria could also be a model for Africa and a locomotive for French-speaking countries.
Estabilshment of a regulatory framework that would include the different international standards and benchmarks
Creating synergy in eHealth with stakeholders involvement and multisectoral coordination: Health, ICT, Justice, Higher Education, Social Security
- Director of Information System, MOH, Hadj Miloud
- Team of the Information System department at the MOH, M. Bouali
- MOH advisors, Badra Benkedadra, Said Mekkaoui, Nacer Grim
- Director General of Social Security, Djaouad Bourkaib and Dr. Mohamed Lamine Ghanem
- Ministry of Industry, Bachir Kechroud
- Senior management of companies & healthcare sector representative : Saidal, ATH Consulting, Atos, OMS
Attending Experts
Mohamed El Amine Djaker
specialist of communication and information technologies, WHO Algeria
Izhar Mahjoub
HIMSS EMRAMM North Africa and founder ATH Consulting
Matthieu Pinard
Coordinator DHIS Academy & Community, Université d’Oslo
Morten Elbek Petersen
CEO of Sundhed.com
Anne Kallio
Ministry of Health of Finland
Dr. Rob Williams
Chief Medical Officer OTN
Korhan An
founding partner ANS Healthcare
Muhammet Ilkay Kaynak
Turkish Ministry of Health
Karim Abdelghani
program Coordinator, ITU regional office for Arab countries
Dr. Edward Brown
Founder and CEO of Ontarion Telecom Network
Ana Maria Carriazo
Palante Program, Ministry of Health of the Region of Andalusia
Jean Christophe Cauvin
President InterOp ’Health