2018 Round Table
Pharmacoeconomics : Towards a viable model of partnerships

Challenges and prospects of performance contracts.
Importance of knowing the clinical and economic evidence At all levels of the decision process (micro - meso - macro) At any time of the development of innovation (pre and post AMM)
The environment & framework for adopting a risk-sharing agreement
- Director General of ANPP, Mme Watfa Benayad Cherif
- Director General of Social Security, Djaouad Bourkaib &Dr. Mohamed Lamine Ghanem
- President of the Healthcare commission, Senate, Pr. Louisa Chachoua
- Advisors from the MOH Mme Kraiba, Mme Benkedadra, M. Bouali
- Lyes Rahal, Director General of INSP
- Representatives from PCH, IPA, Medecite université, Ministry of Industry
Attending Experts
Sandrine Baffert,
Healthcare Economiste, CMKA