2020 Africa Webinar
Strengthening the African economies & cooperation
The importance for the strengthening of the African economies to focus on:
- Energy
- Agriculture & agro industry/system to ensure food security
- Healthcare to protect the population & provide them with the needed care
- Education to have the right capacity, human resources & skills
With the Agenda 2063 of the African Union for the industrialization of Africa, we are looking
at :
- Diversifying the economies as a priority to have more balanced economies
- Strengthening the structural transformation so that the weight of the
primary sector decreases in favor of the secondary and tertiary sectors.
- Ensuring that agricultural products that are exported can be processed &
transformed in Africa to be exported
- Carry out the structural transformation of the economy through industrialization
The African Free Trade Area represents a market of around 1.2 billion people; it should bring together the 55 member states of the African Union, and could be considered the largest free trade area in the world by the number of countries involved. Africa would gained everything from this trade area as it will enhance its natural, human and innovative technological potential, and will find a framework for its growth & improvement
The development of inter-African trade will allow countries to know each other better, to know what is happening in the different countries, and to achieve an optimal exchange. It will help foster the conditions for achieving development, and limit illegal immigration, with employment, security and peace opportunities linked to development progress, if properly supported by politicians and investors
- Bachir Kechroud, Director of the business intelligence division, Ministry of Industry Algeria
- Angélique Abah Head of Division of Standards and International Labor Cooperation, Ministry of Labor and Social Security of Cameroon
- Nicolas Dassi, Head of the Division of Prospective Studies and Statistics, Ministry of Labor and Social Security of Cameroon
- SAIN Oguié, Director General of Economy, Ministry of Economy and Finance of Cote d'Ivoire
- Mr Abdoulrazak Ahmed Idriss, Secretary General of the Minister, Minister of Economy and Finance in charge of industry Djibouti
- Ms. Mariame Hamadou Ali, Director of Economy, Minister of Economy and Finance in charge of industry Djibouti
- Ms. Oubah Said Malow, Director of the Center for Leadership and Entrepreneurship, Minister of Economy and Finance in charge of industry Djibouti
- Advocate Vicky Ya Toivo ; Special Advisor, Ministry of Labour, industrial relations & employment creation, Namibia,
- Patricia Aruwa, Ministry of industrialisation trade and economic development Kenya
- Emmanuel UWIZEYIMANA, the Director of Labor Research and Employment Promotion in the Ministry of Public Service and Labor
- Sidi Kone, Director General of Economy, Ministry of Economy and Finance of Cote d'Ivoire