Medical Devices
19th & 26th June

Quality control of devices
Role of medical devices in public health issues
Importance of the issue of efficiency and safety
Review of the definition and different classifications of medical devices

Details :
- Organization by videoconference (Zoom)
Participants: members of the Algerian Medicines and Pharmaceuticals Agency, Ministry of Pharmaceutical Products, Center of Pharmacovigilance
Recording of the session

Different actors and value chain of medical devices
Regulation of EMA medical devices
WHO recommendations
Marketing authorization & certification
Creation of a database listing incidents and clinical investigation
Market interoperability: what standards to set up and export of devices
Pricing and reimbursement of medical devices
- Philippe Megerlin, Health Laws & Systemics
- Nabil Menasria, WHO Algeria
- Aurelie Chandier, Mecomed
- Stanislav Kniazkiov, Technical Officer for Regulation of medical products, WHO Africa
- Ecegul Tok, Mecomed
- Rana Chalhoub, Mecomed
- Lionel Dreux, President of GMED
- Laure Ann Thieren, Mecomed
Philippe Megerlin
Aurelie Chandier
Stanislav Kniazkiov
Nabil Menasria
Ecegul Tok
Rana Chalhoub
Lionel Dreux
Laure Ann Thieren

This training was possible thanks to the support and participation of our partner MECOMED , medical devices, imaging and diagnostics trade association across the Middle East & Africa (MEA) with the content of the seminar as well as our sponsor (without conditions) BD.