African Webinar Replay
Topic : Creating A Research And Clinical Research Environment In Africa
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To know more, get access to the replay of this very interesting webinar and the discussion between the different stakeholders.
The conclusions are also available, summarizing the key points and actions to be taken into consideration to push and encourage research on the continent.
Program and Speakers

Ministries who participated

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Information presented by ministries

- What type of research if any is done in your country? at which level and what have been the outcomes?
- Are there incentives, specific training in your country to encourage research, scientific research and clinical research?
- What infrastructures, programs, incentives exist in your country for research & clinical research?
- What type of partnerships are you looking for with the public and or private sector in your country and on an african & international level?
- According to you, what is hindering research & clinical research in your country and on the continent? what can be done to change the current reality?
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What they have to say about the webinar

Developing the right ecosystem and upgrading the research capabilities in Africa is key. According to UNESCO, the African continent’s scientific output represents less than 2.6%. of the world’s share,
As Africa is undergoing its epidemiological transition, shifting from communicable to noncommunicable diseases, by investing in African science to address African diseases, it is also playins a role in the prevention and treatment of the global health burdens
The different ministries shed the light on the priority that research and clinical research is for their countries and how they are ensuring that the right infrastrcutures & human capacity are being invested in as well as sharing the challenges they encounter to boost research and clinical research in their country and the continent.