2024 Africa Webinar

Telemedicine and Wearable Medical Devices in Africa: Transforming
Healthcare Accessibility in Africa

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Healthcare authorities in addition to working on their healthcare model, their epidemiological transition, vaccination and awareness campaign, need to prepare themselves to emerging and remerging diseases

When seeing the different emergences of diseases, Africa is a cradle of emergence therefore the continent Africa should put a priority to microbiological defense

As many initiatives have been put in place on an Africa level with the African union such as AUDP-NEPAD, AMA, Africa CDC, African authorities need to decide together to give the necessary impetus on an African level : communicating and putting in place an African vision to push forward research and vaccine production on the continent, encouraging for a African research centre and more integrated, coordinated, collaborative, transparent approach between all African scientist, on the continent & abroad


Attending Experts

Pr. Yahia Chebloune

Research Director,INRA

Dr. Nicaise Ndembi

Chief Science Advisor, Africa CDC


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