2016 Round Table
ALGERIA 2020 & Biotechnology: What future & model for Algeria?

The need to communicate a clear vision, a political decision set out with a roadmap and concrete projects in the short, medium and long terms..
The presence of a dedicated interlocutor and decision-maker who would be the vis-à-vis the different actors for the biotechnology project like biopolis in Singapore
The importance of government incentive programs to encourage the private sector to invest, build a real biotechnology industry and encourage research in Algeria.
- Director General of Pharmacy, MOH, Dr. Hamou Hafed
- Director General of Health, MOH, Pr. Mohamel l’Hadj
- General Manager of PCH, M’hamed Ayad
- Director General of Social Security, Djaouad Bourkaib & Dr. Mohamed Lamine Ghanem
- Director of INSP, Pr. Mokhtar Hasbellaoui
- Senior management of companies & healthcare sector representative : Novo Nordisk, AstraZeneca, Clinica Group, Merck, ANPP, Deloitte, Sevier
- Director Geenral of the Biotechnology Center
Attending Experts
Dr. Siew Hwa ONG
Founder & CEO, Acumen Research Laboratories & Chairman
Dra.C. Mayra Ramos Suzarte
Deepanwita Chattopadhyay
CEO & Chairman IKP Knowledge Park
Miquel Bonachera Sierra
CEO AB Bioticts, for ASEBIO