2022 Africa Webinar
Africa post COP 26 : Moving forward in the fight again climate change
As Africa is building up and strengthening its economies, it is important that it prepare itself to future shock and important parameters that will affect its development and change its development strategy. One of the most important issue is the one of climate change. Africa won’t be able to follow the same development and industrial path done by other countries and continent and has to adapt to these new realities.
With a global health crisis, COVID-19 impact, lower global recovery spendings and the current Ukraine war (Russia being a key source of investment recently), FDI inflows into Africa have also been declining knowing that African countries generally getting the least in terms of financing. This being problematic as Africa needs the most investment to be able to address its infrastructure needs new growth strategy, creating more resilient economies that can bounce back after a crisis, that can help address the response to all of these crisis and prevent / have better response to future crisis.
African countries have been the conscious of the climate change negotiation as the least contributors thus each country adapting its documents and strategies to implement a development policy integrating renewable energies
- Sékou DIABY, Deputy Director for the Evaluation of Sectoral Policies and Strategies, Ministry of Economy and Finance, Côte d'Ivoire
- Ali Barreh, Director of Project Management, Ministry of Energy, Djibouti
- Vusumuzi Ntonga, Ambassador of Zimbabwe to Algeria
- Lovakanto Ravelomanana, Coordinator of the National Office of Climate Change and Reduction of Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (BNCCREDD+), Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development (MEDD)

Attending Experts
Jean Paul Adam
Anna Lehmann

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