2021 Africa Webinar

Control & Traceability of Medical Devices and equipment

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Medical device & equipment market is very dynamic in Africa but reliant mainly on imports, the continent bearly produces any medical devices (exceptions on some low risk medical devices in somes countries) as the cost and sale of locally produced products are more expensive than those imported therefore discouraging local endeavours.

The importance of training to ensure you have the right skills to manage technical platforms and assure maintenance, have access and maintain them

For medical device regulation, we are looking at 3 main pillars to be considered
- Classification of medical devices is one of the 3 pillars for medical device regulation
-The second pillar nomenclature, a service that the regulatory system gives to other professional areas in the healthcare system, which are involved or used in the management or use of medical devices
- And the 3rd pillar is the principles of medical devices regulation


Attending Experts

Stanislav Kniazkiov

Technical Officer for regulation of medical products, WHO Afro

June Madete

Biomedical Engineer in Kenya & senior lecturer at Kenyatta University

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