2021 Africa Webinar
HTA & Health product pricing
Each African country, while aiming at Universal Health Care in its majority, has a different payment & reimbursement system balanced between the government participation (through a budget, full coverage…), private sector (insurances, employers, etc..), and the patient (out of pocket)
African countries still try and aim to achieve universal health coverage and it is clear that these countries are also highly constrained concerning fiscal space, and so the scope for money for health is limited.
How to manage the advanced therapies revolution, outcome-based end or financial base manage to enter agreements could be enough
- These therapies are very expensive. We have to find a collaborative way with the industries but also with the Association of patients and the scientific associations or scientific societies.
- Pr Myriam Khrouf, Responsible for the Directorate of Pharmacy and Medicines, Ministry of Health, Tunisia
- Pr Noomene ElKadri, Director of Medical Research, Ministry of Health, Tunisia
- Medessou Yowel Habib GANFON, Ministry of Health Benin
- Dr. John Oladejo, Director, Health Emergency Preparedness & Response, Nigeria Centre for Disease Control
- Dr. RANDRIATSARAFARA Fidiniaina, Director General of Preventive Health, Ministry of Health, Madagascar
- Isabelle Koui, Director, Ministry of Health, Côte d’Ivoire
- Godfrey Kadewere, Director, Ministry of Health of Malawi

Attending Experts
Pr. Filippo Drago
Dr. Dominic Nkhoma
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