2024 Africa Webinar
Tailoring Medicine & Customizing care: Advancements in Clinical
Research and Adapted Medications for Africa
Greater public health and safety concerns occur as a result of the AfCFTA being implemented, which makes Africa the largest integrated market and provides access to a market with over 1.2 billion potential consumers without tariffs. To ensure the safety of the 1.2 billion people in Africa from fake, inferior, and counterfeit goods and services, it will be even more crucial to have a robust regulatory framework and regulations.
For AMA to have a continental reach it needs to increase its member states parties (member states that have ratified and deposited its treaty). Until the 55 countries sign and ratify the treat, AMA will only have mandates within the 22 member states
The African Medical Association (AMA) will act as the continental regulatory body to coordinate ongoing regulatory systems, strengthen and harmonize efforts of the African Union-recognized Regional Economic Communities (RECs), Regional Health Organizations (RHOs), and Member States, and increase capacity of States Parties and AU recognized Regional Economic Communities (RECs) ( After the Africa Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, AMA is the second Specialized Agency of the African Union (Africa CDC).)
- Dr. John Oladejo, Director, Health Emergency Preparedness and Response, Nigerian Center for Disease Control(Nigeria CDC)
- Dekai Jean-Luc Namou, Planning and Monitoring and Evaluation Officer, Health Training and Research Branch, Ministry of Health, Côte d’Ivoire
- Pr. Myriam Khrouf, Director General of Pharmacy and Medicines, Ministry of Health, Tunisia
- Pr.Abderrazek Hedhili, Head of Toxicology Department CAMU Tunis, Ministry of Health, Tunisia
- Nadia Fenina, Director General, Ministry of Health, Tunisia
- Chiheb Ben Rayana, Director General, National Laboratory for Drug Control, Tunisia
- Sufyan Abdulber, Advisor, Ministry of Health, Ethiopia
- Fransina Nambahu, Registrar of Medicines, Namibia Medicines Regulatory Council
- Newman Madzikwa, Deputy Director Pharmacy Services, Ministry of Health and Child Care, Zimbabwe
- Dr Tandi Erick, Public Health Doctor, Ministry of Health, Cameroon
- Ahidjo Yaya, Executive, Directorate of Pharmacy, Drugs and Laboratories, Cameroon
- Maagtire Ahmed, Quality Manager, Ministry of Health, Djibouti
- Hoby Sitraka Ravelomampianina, Director, Agence Du Médicament De Madagascar
- Marie Ahoulou, Pharmacist, Ministry of Health, Côte d'Ivoire
- Christian Herve Doudouho, Pharmacist, Directorate of Pharmaceutical Activities, Ministry of Health, Côte d'Ivoire
- Yérim DIOP, Director, Directorate of Pharmaceutical Products, Ministry of Health, Senegal
- NARASSEM MBAÏDOUM, Director General of Planning and Cooperation, Ministry of Health, Chad
- ALSADICK ABDALLAH, Director General of Pharmaceuticals and Laboratories, Ministry of Health, Chad
- Françoise d'Avila Agnissan, Research Officer, Ministry of Economy and Finance, Côte d'Ivoire
- Wamaman Kassoum Ouattara, Head of Department, Ministry of Economy and Finance, Côte d'Ivoire
- KODIA RAOUL, Deputy Director of Promotion and Partnerships, Ministry of Economy and Finance, Côte d'Ivoire

Attending Experts
Dr. Moses G.P.Chisale
Dr. Janet Byaruhanga
Hilina Wassihun

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